Publications |
Peer reviewed
- Rodrigues, J., Ulrich, N. & Hewig, J.(2015). A neural signature of fairness in altruism: A game of theta ? Social Neuroscience 10(2), p.192-205. doi:10.1080/17470919.2014.977
- Rodrigues (2015, September) Intra- and interindividual prediction of altruistic behavior using multinomial logistic regression and structural equation modelling. Talk given at the 12th meeting of „Fachgruppe Methoden & Evaluation [FGME]“ of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Jena, Germany. p.192-205.
Poster presentations
- Rodrigues & Hewig (2015, October). Frontal asymmetry as a predictor of behavior in a virtual T-maze. Poster presentation at 55th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Seattle, USA.
- Rodrigues & Hewig (2015, September). Das „wer“ bestimmt das „wie“: Persönlichkeitskorrelate in Fluchthandlungen auf negative Situationen in einem virtuellen Labyrinth. Poster presentation at 13th meeting of „Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik“ of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Mainz, Germany.
- Rodrigues & Hewig (2015, June). Frontal asymmetry as a predictor of behavior in a virtual T-maze. Poster presented at the 41st conference "Psychologie und Gehirn", Frankfurt, Germany.
- Rodrigues, Mühlberger & Hewig (2014, September). From brain to behaviour – inducing frontal asymmetry with virtual reality, preliminary results. Poster presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Atlanta, USA.
- Rodrigues, Ulrich & Hewig (2014, September). The sign of altruism? An exploratory study about midfrontal theta activity and altruism in dictator game. Poster presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Atlanta, USA.
- Rodrigues & Hewig (2014, June). Lang lebe der Diktator! Eine explorative Studie über Theta – Aktivität und Altruismus im Diktatorspiel. Poster presented at the 40th conference "Psychologie und Gehirn", Lübeck, Germany.
- Rodrigues & Hewig (2013, October). Physiological correlates of individual differences in mental imagery. Poster presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Florence, Italy
- Rodrigues & Hewig (2013) BIS man flieht: Behaviour Inhibition System und visuelle Vorstellung einer Vermeidungssituation. Tagungsband der 39. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn 2013, p. 62.
- Rodrigues, Müller & Hewig (2016, September). To flee or not to flee: Frontal activation patterns and behavior in a virtual T-maze. Poster presentation at 56th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Minneapolis, USA.
- Rodrigues, Müller & Hewig (2016, June). To flee or not to flee: Frontal activation patterns and behavior in a virtual T-maze. Poster presented at the 42st conference "Psychologie und Gehirn", Berlin, Germany.
- Rodrigues, Müller & Hewig (2016, September). To flee or not to flee: Frontal activation patterns and behavior in a virtual T-maze. Poster presentation at 56th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Minneapolis, USA.
- Rodrigues, Müller & Hewig (2016, June). To flee or not to flee: Frontal activation patterns and behavior in a virtual T-maze. Poster presented at the 42st conference "Psychologie und Gehirn", Berlin, Germany.
- 06/2015: Poster award (German Society for Psychophysiology and its Application, DGPA).
- 11/2014: Neuroscience Research Award (from the Section Neuroscience of the GSLS Würzburg)