Publications |
Peer reviewed
- Dimova V, Oertel BG, Lötsch J (2016). Using a standardized clinical quantitative sensory testing battery to judge the clinical relevance of sensory differences between adjacent body areas. Clin J Pain, doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000372.
- Dimova V, Lötsch J, Hühne K, Winterpacht A, Heesen M, Parthum A, Weber PG, Crabon R, Griessinger N, Sittl R, Lautenbacher S (2015). Association of genetic and psychological factors with persistent pain after cosmetic thoracic surgery. J Pain Res 27(8):829-844.
- Lötsch J, Dimova V, Ultsch A, Lieb I, Zimmermann M, Geisslinger G, Oertel BG (2016). A small yet comprehensive subset of human experimental pain models emerging from correlation analysis with a clinical quantitative sensory testing protocol in healthy subjects. Eur J Pain 20(5): 777-789.
- Dimova V, Oertel BG, Kabakci G, Zimmermann M, Hermens H, Lautenbacher S, Ultsch A, Lötsch J (2015). A more pessimistic life-orientation is associated with experimental inducibility of neuropathy-like pain pattern in healthy subjects. J Pain 16(8):791-800.
- Walter C, Dimova V, Bu J, Parnham MJ, Oertel BG, Lötsch J. (2015). Inverted perceptual judgment of nociceptive stimuli at threshold level following inconsistent cues. PloS one 10(7):e0132069.
- Defrin R, Amazio M, de Tommaso M, Dimova V, Filipovic S, Finn DP, Gimenez-Llort L, Invitto S, Jensen-Dahm C, Lautenbacher S, Oosterman J, Petrini L, Pick CG, Pickering G, Vase L, Kunz M. Experimental pain processing in individuals with cognitive impairment: state of the art. Pain 156(8):1396-408.
- Lötsch J, Dimova V, Lieb I, Zimmermann M, Oertel BG, Ultsch A. Multimodal distribution of human cold pain thresholds (2015). PloS one 10(5):e0125822.
- Lötsch J, Dimova V, Oertel BG. Reply to „Can topical capsaicin induce a neuropathic pain?“ (2015). Pain 156(7):1369-70.
- Lötsch A, Dimova V, Hermens H, Zimmermann M, Geisslinger G, Oertel BG, Ultsch A (2015) Pattern of neuropathic pain induced by topical capsaicin application in healthy subjects. Pain 156(3):405-14.
- Scheel J, Parthum A, Dimova V, Horn-Hoffmann C, Meinfelder F, Carbon R, Grießinger N, Sittl R & Lautenbacher S (2014). Psychologisches Prophylaxetraining zur Bewältigung postoperativer Schmerzen (Psychological prophylaxis training for coping with postoperative pain: Long-term effects.). Schmerz 28(5):513-9.
- Schutz M, Oertel BG, Heimann D, Doehring A, Walter C, Dimova V, Geisslinger G, Lotsch J (2014). Consequences of a Human TRPA1 Genetic Variant on the Perception of Nociceptive and Olfactory Stimuli. PloS one 9(4):e95592.
- Dimova V, Horn C, Parthum A, Kunz M, Schofer D, Carbon R, Griessinger N, Sittl R, Lautenbacher S (2013). Does severe acute pain provoke lasting changes in attentional and emotional mechanisms of pain-related processing? A longitudinal study. Pain 154:2737-2744.
- Kerkhoff G, Hildebrandt H, Reinhart S, Kardinal M, Dimova V, & Utz KS (2011). A long-lasting improvement of tactile extinction after galvanic vestibular stimulation: Two Sham-stimulation controlled case studies. Neuropsychologia 49(2):186-95.
- Utz KS, Dimova V, Oppenländer K & Kerkhoff G. (2010). Electrified minds: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) as methods of non-invasive brain stimulation in neuropsychology – A review of current data and future implications. Neuropsychologia 48(10):2789-810.
- Dimova V & Lautenbacher S (2010). Chronische Schmerzen nach Operationen: Epidemiologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung psychologischer Risikofaktoren (Chronic postoperative pain. Epidemiology and psychological risk factors.). Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie 45(7-8):488-93.
- Dimova V, Förtsch J, Klos T, Schupp W, Reinhardt F & Lautenbacher S. (2009). Eine Therapiestudie zur Behandlung des visuellen Neglekts mittels Prismenadaptation (A study on the treatment of visual neglect by the use of prism adaptation.). Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 20:271-284.